full comprehensive trademark search

25 05, 2023

Wholesale Trademark Search


Is there such a thing as a wholesale trademark search? YES THERE IS!! As an attorney, lawyer or other IP professional tasked with researching trade names, you understand the importance of conducting thorough trademark searches for your clients. It's a time-consuming task that requires expertise and attention to detail. However, did you know there is [...]

Wholesale Trademark Search2023-07-18T17:13:07-04:00
10 03, 2023

Trademark Search for Lawyers & Attorneys


If you are an Attorney or Lawyer who needs a trademark search partner then we say: YOU make the opinionLet US do the research! Why would some of the largest trademark lawyers in the country work with a company like Creative Trademark Services for well over 15 years, instead of the big boys at *Clarivate/Thomson Reuters®? Here [...]

Trademark Search for Lawyers & Attorneys2023-07-18T17:09:05-04:00
26 12, 2022

Why should I do a trademark search


Why should I do a Trademark Search? Let's dive in. A trademark search is vital when trademarking a brand or logo. It helps determine if the desired trademark is available. It also identifies potential conflicts with existing trademarks. This search can prevent expensive legal disputes later. Visit our services page right now! Why search? Avoid [...]

Why should I do a trademark search2023-08-08T18:07:28-04:00
17 03, 2020

Sample trademark search report


Have you wondered what a sample full trademark search looks like? A quality Full Comprehensive Trademark Search will be broken down into: Federal State Common Law Federal, State and various Common Law sections in alphabetical order. This should include all: Registered Pending Abandoned Canceled Expired It's important to make sure the report form provides not only [...]

Sample trademark search report2023-08-29T17:08:57-04:00