
10 03, 2023

Trademark Search for Lawyers & Attorneys


If you are an Attorney or Lawyer who needs a trademark search partner then we say: YOU make the opinionLet US do the research! Why would some of the largest trademark lawyers in the country work with a company like Creative Trademark Services for well over 15 years, instead of the big boys at *Clarivate/Thomson Reuters®? Here [...]

Trademark Search for Lawyers & Attorneys2023-07-18T17:09:05-04:00
2 02, 2021

USPTO Basic Information on Trademarks: What you should know


Do you need Basic Information on Trademarks? When you are looking for basic information on trademarks there is no better place to get it than from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. They are the main government resource for basic trademark information in the United States, for those of you who are new to [...]

USPTO Basic Information on Trademarks: What you should know2023-07-20T13:51:49-04:00
10 11, 2020

Naming Your New Business, Product or Service


So, you are naming your new business, eh? After considerable time and effort, not to mention the expense, you or your client has developed a new product, product line, or established a new service. It is your pride and joy. You believe that with just the right name, the product/service (hereinafter “product”) will take off [...]

Naming Your New Business, Product or Service2022-10-07T16:24:47-04:00
10 04, 2020

SCOTUS: Likelihood of confusion relevant in infringement cases


Likelihood of confusion in infringement cases will never be the same! A mark holder whose mark is found to cause a likelihood of confusion at the TTAB level, can also now have that determination applied against them in an infringement case, where they would be liable for damages and attorney’s fees, and could face an [...]

SCOTUS: Likelihood of confusion relevant in infringement cases2022-10-07T16:24:23-04:00